11 Usually SENs are calcified and nonenhancing lesions, whereas SEGAs show avid enhancement after contrast; however, the radiologic appearance of both pathologies may overlap. Regardless, the most important difference between these two TSC brain lesions
see more is evidence of serial growth: SEGAs will grow, whereas SENs remain stable in size. Before the 2012 consensus conference, the diagnostic criteria developed for TSC during the 1998 consensus meeting were still in use.14 At the 2012 Washington Consensus Conference, it was decided by the invited expert panel to document the diagnostic criteria related to TSC brain lesions in the following manner:7 1. The presence of tubers (and other types of cortical dysplasia, such as cortical migration lines), SENs, or SEGAs will each individually be
defined as major criteria (two major criteria will suffice click here for the diagnosis of TSC as previously defined in 1998). Current evidence suggests, even though literature regarding the natural history of SEGAs is sparse, that new SEGAs very rarely arise after 20-25 years of age.6 Hence brain imaging, preferably magnetic resonance imaging with and without contrast, should be performed every 1 to 3 years until the age of 25 years. Because of a lack of knowledge of SEGA growth behavior beyond 25 years of age, follow-up magnetic resonance imaging may not be needed every 3 years but intervals may be prolonged in the presence of a
stable lesion and a stable patient. Screening and follow-up scans frequency should be tailored according to various clinical factors. New onset of symptoms such as headaches, visual complaints, nausea or vomiting, or increase in seizure activity should trigger an earlier scan. Similarly, a growing SEGA should prompt a more frequent clinical and radiological follow-up. Parents and patients should be educated regarding relevant symptoms that should Liothyronine Sodium prompt referral to medical evaluation. Treatment of SEGAs has been solely surgical because of a lack of responsiveness to other strategies such as chemotherapy or radiation. These modalities may also be associated with an increased risk of secondary malignancies.15 Many retrospective series have focused on surgical outcome, some of which include a heterogeneous group of patients with very different tumor anatomy and size as well as major differences in the number of patients treated; hence, there are different conclusions regarding risk of mortality, morbidities, and outcomes.16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21 and 22 Generally, it is agreed that small tumors are usually less invasive, and that resecting noninvasive small tumors, diagnosed while still asymptomatic, is associated with excellent clinical outcomes, with low morbidity and mortality.