110 For migraine, the evidence indicated that BFB can be supported as an efficacious treatment option (Level 4 evidence according
to the AAPB/ISNR criteria110). Multiple studies using clearly defined diagnostic criteria and outcome measures as well as appropriate data analysis demonstrated the efficacy of BFB over no-treatment control groups. For TTH, the evidence indicated that BFB can be supported as an efficacious and specific treatment option. The efficacy recommendation given was Level 5, the highest level of evidence according to the AAPB/ISNR criteria, granted in cases where Level 4 evidence has been established and additional superior treatment results in comparison to credible sham therapy or alternative bona fide treatments have been shown. Relaxation Training Relaxation training can be considered a core Doxorubicin component of behavioral treatment, as it can be used either alone or in conjunction with other behavioral modalities.111 Opaganib mouse Relaxation techniques are used to decrease sympathetic arousal and physiologic responses to stress by enhancing the awareness of tense and relaxed muscles. Several
techniques and procedures have been employed in relaxation training. Progressive relaxation training is the classic form and is still widely used. It promotes the recognition of tension and relaxation in the course of daily life. Patients are taught to sequentially tense and relax various muscle groups while taking note of the opposing sensations. Initially 16 muscle groups are involved, and as treatment
proceeds, muscle groups are progressively combined, resulting in 4 groups at the end of therapy. Once this initial stage is learned, skills such as relaxation by recall, cue-controlled relaxation, and differential relaxation 上海皓元 (in which relaxation of muscles not required for current activities is maintained) are taught. Patients can typically learn progressive relaxation training in less than 10 sessions. While techniques are usually learned in a dark, quiet setting, they can be subsequently applied to everyday situations.112 Autogenic training is another popular form of relaxation training. Autosuggestion, the process by which one induces self-acceptance of an opinion, belief, or plan of action, plays a central role in the process. In autogenic training, mental and somatic functions are concurrently regulated by passive concentration on formulas such as “my forehead is cool.”113 Various other traditional relaxation techniques include visual or guided imagery, cue-controlled relaxation, diaphragmatic breathing, and hypnosis.114 With regular practice, patients often find that relaxation techniques become automatic and are carried out without conscious effort.111 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Cognitive behavioral therapy is a form of psychotherapeutic treatment that addresses the relationships between stress, coping, and headache using cognitive and behavioral strategies.