By necessity, discussion in this summary is limited to the most relevant and salient points. More detailed discussion of specific recommendations for the different TSC disease focus areas, supporting evidence thereof,
and other special considerations will be published separately by each International Tuberous Sclerosis Consensus Metformin Complex Group subcommittee. TSC is usually first suspected in individuals when one or more clinical diagnostic criteria are identified (Table 2). The purposes of initial diagnostic studies are to confirm the diagnosis in individuals with “possible” TSC and to determine the extent of disease and organ involvement in individuals with “definite” TSC. Baseline studies Linsitinib research buy are also important in guiding treatment decisions should additional disease manifestations emerge in later years. All individuals should have a three-generation family history obtained to determine if additional family members are at risk of diagnosis.
Gene testing is recommended for genetic counseling purposes or when the diagnosis of TSC is suspected or in question but cannot be clinically confirmed (Category 1). All individuals suspected of having TSC, regardless of age, should undergo magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain with and without gadolinium to assess for the presence of cortical/subcortical tubers, subependymal nodules (SEN), other types of neuronal migration defects, and DAPT subependymal giant cell astrocytomas (SEGA). If MRI is not available or cannot be performed, computed tomography (CT) or head ultrasound (US) (in neonates or infants when fontanels are open) may be used, although results are considered suboptimal and will not always be able to detect abnormalities revealed by MRI.18 and 19 (Category 1) During infancy, focal seizures and infantile spasms (IS) are likely to be encountered,20 and 21 and parents
should be educated to recognize these even if none have occurred at time of first diagnosis. All pediatric patients should undergo a baseline electroencephalograph (EEG), even in the absence of recognized or reported clinical seizures. (Category 2A) If the baseline EEG is abnormal, especially when features of TSC-associated neuropsychiatric disorders (TAND) are also present, this should be followed up with a 24-hour video EEG to assess for electrographic or subtle clinical seizure activity. (Category 3) TAND is new terminology proposed to describe the interrelated functional and clinical manifestations of brain dysfunction common in TSC, including aggressive behaviors, autism spectrum disorders, intellectual disabilities, psychiatric disorders, and neuropsychological deficits as well school and occupational difficulties.22 All patients should receive a comprehensive assessment at diagnosis to determine a baseline for future evaluations and to identify areas requiring immediate or early intervention.