Force trajectory in a single trial was jagged because of the slowness of force tracking speed, and the averaging approach allowed us to extract pure force trajectory and the disturbance produced by TMS. However, unconscious corrective response in successive trials may contain the disturbed response of tracking force. In the redundant system of motor control, the data averaging approach may obscure components
observed in a single trial. The authors would like to thank Dr. Monica Perez for advice. Abbreviations APB abductor pollicis brevis CC corpus callosum CST corticospinal tract EMG electromyographic M1 primary motor cortex MEP motor evoked potential RMT resting motor threshold TCI transcallosal inhibition TMS transcranial magnetic stmulation Please note: As a service to our authors Ibrutinib cell line and readers, this journal provides supporting information supplied by the authors. Such materials are peer-reviewed and may be re-organized for online click here delivery, but are not copy-edited or typeset by Wiley-Blackwell. Technical support issues arising from supporting
information (other than missing files) should be addressed to the authors. “
“Dopamine (DA) depletion of the posterior dorsomedial striatum (pDMS) can impair the capability of rats to detect changes in the causal efficacy of actions. Here we sought to characterize in more detail the effects of pDMS DA depletions on contingency detection as a function of different contingency degradation training protocols. In experiment 1, sham controls and rats with pDMS DA depletions received limited contingency degradation training (4 days) that involved
an invariable and high degree of degradation to one of two contingencies controlling instrumental choice behaviour. The results demonstrated that lesioned rats were insensitive to contingency manipulations both during contingency degradation training and in the subsequent extinction test. Experiment 2 further indicated that rats with pDMS DA depletion subjected to extended contingency degradation training (12 days) became sensitive to contingency manipulations during the training phase but not in the subsequent extinction test. In experiment 3, an extended but more complex contingency degradation training protocol (12 days) was used that involved a gradual shift from a low to an intermediate and a high Molecular motor degree of contingency degradation rather than a high and invariable degree of contingency degradation as in experiments 1 and 2. Notably, lesioned rats were sensitive to contingency manipulations both during the contingency degradation training phase and in the subsequent extinction test. Thus, pDMS DA depletions can impair the capability to detect changes in the causal efficacy of actions; however, the occurrence and pattern of impairments depend on the contingency degradation training protocol being used. “
“How the brain integrates visual information across time into coherent percepts is an open question.