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“Introduction This position paper updates the literature related to the management of perforated sigmoid diverticulitis with the goals of identifying a) key management decisions, b) alternative management Nintedanib (BIBF 1120) options and c) gaps in our knowledge base that can be targeted in a future emergency surgery research agenda [1, 2]. From this we have created a decision making algorithm that can be modified based on evolving evidence and local resources

to guide institutional practices. This manuscript will provide the basis for a future evidence based guideline (EBG) that will be developed and endorsed by the World Society of Emergency Surgery and published in the World Journal of Emergency Surgery. We envision that the EBG recommendations will be graded based on the level of evidence and will identify the resources needed to provide optimal care. Recognizing the tremendous variability in hospital resources available worldwide, this optimal resource information will be used to designate levels of acute care surgery hospitals (similar to trauma centers). This OSI-906 chemical structure designation process will be used to leverage hospitals to upgrade their resources to optimize their emergency surgery capabilities.

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