Just a few patients maintained double therapy instituted before 1997, in cases where the CD4 T-cell percentage was >25% and the HIV viral load <10 000 copies/mL or where there were clinical issues such as antiretroviral toxicity or adherence problems. The mean age of the children increased during follow-up because of the significant decrease in the number of HIV-infected
newborns in our cohort after the introduction of ART for prevention of mother-to-child transmission in 1994, and the decrease in mortality after the introduction of HAART in 1997 [21]. As many reports have already shown, in our study the introduction of HAART was associated with a significant increase in CD4 cell count and a significant decrease in selleck compound Crizotinib order viral load [1–5]. When different CPs were compared, we observed significant differences in mortality and risk of progression to AIDS from CP1, in which no patient was treated with HAART, to CP2 and CP3, in which HAART use progressively increased [1–5]. The effect is likely to be mainly attributable to the efficacy of HAART, but other factors, such as the greater experience of paediatricians with AIDS patients, better prevention of and treatment for OIs, and improvements in diagnostic tools over the study period, may also have
contributed. Rate of OIs such as cryptosporidiosis, oesophageal candidosis and bacteraemia decreased markedly from CP1 onwards [12]. The incidences of all OSDs were lower than 1 per 100 person-years PTK6 in CP3, with the exception of the incidence of bacterial pneumonia, which decreased to a rate similar to that found in another HIV-infected paediatric population [12]. The rate of P. jiroveci pneumonia decreased significantly from CP1 to CP2, but did not differ between CP2 and CP3, in both of which periods it was very low. As previously reported, in our cohort OIs still occurred in the HAART era, mainly associated with a CD4 nadir below 15% or previous severe clinical conditions [22]. Because of the low incidence of OIs in the HAART era and immune recovery, interruption of P. jiroveci prophylaxis in HIV-infected
children on HAART is possible [23]. Although this could increase the incidence of serious bacterial infections, such an increase has not been observed in our patients [22]. Interestingly, an increase in the herpes zoster infection rate was observed during CP2. We have attributed this observation to an immune reconstitution phenomenon similar to that found in adult studies, as the majority of children initiated HAART during CP2 [24,25]. Since 2000, varicella vaccination has been routinely recommended in HIV-infected children with CD4 percentages >15% [13]. This may partly explain the decrease in the herpes zoster infection rate in CP3. Our results provide some valuable information on the outcomes of HIV infection in children in the HAART era.