Results: A total of 250 subjects were included (male 143, aged 55.3 ± 13.5 yrs, obscure gastrointestinal bleeding 106, abdominal pain 82, diarrhea 50 and others 12) and no capsule retention occurred. The prolonged recording time is 826.2 ± 62.8 (628–960) min, median pylorus transit time is 45 [2–501] min Dactolisib and small bowel transit time is 380.0 ± 134.8 (97–882) min. Compared with 8 h recording time, prolonged recording time has a significantly higher completion rate of SBCE (noted in table). Conclusion: Prolonged recording time increases the complete examination rate of SBCE, which may be helpful to improve its diagnostic yield. Key Word(s): 1. capsule endoscopy;
2. complete examination; Comparison between Prolonged and 8 h recording time Prolonged recording time 8 h recording time P value Pylorus transit rate 100% (250/250) 98.4% (246/250) >0.05 Complete examination rate of
small bowel 98.0% (245/250) 80.4% (201/250) <0.001 Presenting Author: SYEDZEA-UL-ISLAM FARRUKH Additional Authors: ARIFRASHEED SIDDIQUI, SAADKHALID NIAZ Corresponding Author: SYEDZEA-UL-ISLAM FARRUKH, ARIFRASHEED SIDDIQUI, SAADKHALID NIAZ Affiliations: Patel Hospital Karachi Objective: Ultrasound (U/S) remains the first choice in the study of biliary obstructive diseases, due to its accessibility, speed, ease of performance and low cost. In Pakistan the standard is thought to be variable in U/S results between tertiary and smaller U/S centers. No study is locally available validating the usefulness of U/S in diagnosing obstructive biliary disease in comparison to ERCP. Objective: NVP-BGJ398 To evaluate the overall results of U/S from different centers of our province and validate with ERCP. Methods: Patients and Methods: Study design: Cross-Sectional study. Setting: MCE Gastroenterology Unit, Patel hospital Karachi. Sample Size and collection: 200 patients were included, Ultrasounds were performed in various
centers of Sindh and ERCPs by a single operator. Results: Results: In our study of 200 patients, ultrasound showed biliary obstruction in 187 patients with a sensitivity of 93.50%. In comparison to ERCP, U/S showed Common bile duct (CBD) stone in 109 cases, sensitivity of 77.45%, specificity of 69.39% and positive predictive value of 72.48%. On U/S 36 patients showed dilated CBD without cause of obstruction while on ERCP 29 of these patients showing reason for obstruction giving sensitivity of 36.84% and negative predictive value of 92.68%. On u/s CBD sludge was noted in 3 patients, comparing to ERCP, sensitivity is 50.00% and negative predictive value of 98.98%. Comparing with ERCP findings, U/S showed biliary stricture level correctly in 100% of patients but in determining cause of stricture sensitivity is only 51.72%. All 13 patients reported as normal U/S, have biliary tract obstruction on ERCP.