The DDF curves were created according

to the official and

The DDF curves were created according

to the official and mandatory procedure described by the Adige-Euganeo Land Reclamation Consortium (2011), Tanespimycin in vitro the local authority in charge of the drainage network management. The mandatory approach is based on the Gumbel (1958) distribution. In this method, the precipitation depth P  T (in mm) for any rainfall duration in hour, with specified return period T  r (in years) is computed using the following relation: equation(2) PT=P¯+KTSwhere P¯ the average and S is the standard deviation of annual precipitation data, and KT is the Gumbel frequency factor given by equation(3) KT=−6π0.5772+lnlnTrTr−1 The steps below briefly describe the process of creating DDF curves: (i) Obtain annual maximum series of precipitation depth for a given duration (1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h); We considered rainfall data coming from an official database provided by the Italian National Research Council (CNR, 2013) (Table 1) for the rainfall station

of Este. For Buparlisib research buy this station, the available information goes from the year 1955 to the year 1995, but we updated it to 2001 based on data provided by the local authorities. Given the DDF curves (Fig. 7), we considered all the return periods (from 3 up to 200 year), and we defined a design rainfall with a duration of 5 h. The choice of the rainfall duration is an operational choice, to create a storm producing, for the shortest return

time, a volume of water about 10 times larger than the total volume that can be stored in the 1954 network. This way, we have events that can completely saturate the network, and we can compare the differences in the NSI: by choosing a shorter rainfall duration, giving the DDF curves of the study area, for some return times we would not be able to reach the complete saturation to compute the NSI; by choosing longer durations, we would increase the computation time without obtaining any Orotidine 5′-phosphate decarboxylase result improvement. We want to underline that the choice of the rainfall duration has no effect on the results, as long as the incoming volume (total accumulated rainfall for the designed duration) is higher than the storage capacity of the area, enough to allow the network to be completely saturated with some anticipation respect the end of the storm. The considered rainfall amounts are 37.5 mm, 53.6 mm, 64.2 mm, 88.3 mm, 87.6 mm, 97.6 mm and 107.4 mm for a return time of 3, 5, 10, 30, 50, 100 and 200 year respectively. For these amounts, we simulated 20 different random hyetographs (Fig. 8), to reproduce different distributions of the rainfall during the time.

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