The solid line in Fig. 2b represents the prediction of Eq. (3) and shows good agreement with the experimental data (open squares). This provides convincing evidence of the basic picture proposed. Fig. 5 shows how spherulite radii vary with the pH of the solution. We find the same trend for all protein concentrations. At low pH (1–1.75) the radius increases systematically with pH. It is worth noting that differences in aggregation must largely depend on either differences in colloidal
stability or sticking RG7204 ic50 probability due, for instance, to conformational changes in the protein structure. Colloidal stability is determined by the DLVO potential surrounding each protein. This is affected by both charge and electrolyte screening effects [39]. The electrolyte concentration of NaCl in the pH dependent experiments was kept constant. However, the electrolyte concentration is determined not just by NaCl concentration but also by free H+ click here and Cl− ions in solution [40]. A lowering of the pH will therefore increase the screening of the protein in the same manner achieved by adding salt. Based
upon the arguments presented above and on the results discussed in Section 3.1, decreasing the colloidal stability decreases the radius of spherulites. This is in agreement with what is observed in the region pH 1–1.75 (Fig. 5). At pH 1.75–2 BCKDHA an abrupt change is observed in the size of the final spherulites which is unlikely to be purely due to factors affecting colloidal stability. Haas et al. [41] examine the conformational flexibility of bovine insulin as a function of pH. In simulations of the conformational space sampled by the protein chain they found a significant difference in behaviour in the regions pH 1–2 and 2–5: the C terminal of the B chain on the insulin molecule can sample a much wider conformational space at higher pH resulting in
a significant difference in the entropic contribution to the free energy barrier. The B-chain’s C-Terminal is known to play an important role in insulin fibrillation. Brange et al. suggest that the B-chain’s C terminus must be displaced in order to expose key hydrophobic residues involved in fibril formation [42]. Moreover, insulin degradation at the Asn21 residue is a possibility under these highly acidic conditions providing an alternative possible explanation of the observed effects [43]. However it should also be noted that the crystal structure of insulin at pH 2 shows no evidence of degradation [44]. A higher conformational flexibility of this terminal would therefore lead to a higher probability of the molecule losing its native structure under conditions conducive to aggregation.