This was considered sufficient time for the fungi to germinate, penetrate the cuticle and start to proliferate in internal tissues. The vermiculite around the turnip of each host patch was subsequently moistened with 1.5 ml of sterile deionized water. Two host patch arenas, one with 10 fungal infected larvae and one with 10 control larvae, were placed in opposite corners in a plastic box, and the female T. rapae introduced. The position of the treatments (left or right) within the box was randomized. The experiments were replicated on four occasions with six boxes per fungal isolate each time (n = 24). Data
were analyzed in R statistical software version 3.1.0. (R Core Team, 2012), whereas Survival Analysis was performed with the software SPSS Statistics Version 20.0 (IBM Corp., 2011). For the dose–mortality Anticancer Compound Library price bioassays the mortalities were corrected for control mortality using Abbott’s formula (Abbott, 1925). Control mortalities were always less than 5% and 10% for T. rapae and D. radicum, respectively. The effect of increasing concentrations of the fungal isolates
on the proportional number of mycosed insects was analyzed using a Probit analysis of binomial proportions, and the lethal concentrations for 50% mortality (LC50) and 90% mortality (LC90) calculated, including their 95% fiducial limits ( Finney, 1952). For T. rapae the response at day 7 was chosen, since Edoxaban investigations ITF2357 molecular weight on the lifetime oviposition pattern showed that the mean daily fecundity is highest during the first six days after emergence ( Jones, 1986). For D. radicum, day 7 was also chosen, since after this time the larvae started to pupate. Assumptions of homogeneity of variance between the blocks were met, and the data sets were thus pooled for each experimental treatment. A Cox proportional-hazards regression model (Cox, 1972) was used for analyzing the time–mortality
response (i.e. survival) of all fungal concentration compared to baselines, for D. radicum over 7 days and for T. rapae over 14 days. The Cox proportional hazard is expressed as the hazard ratio (relative average daily risk of death), which is assumed to remain constant over time. The event was defined as mycosis, i.e. death from fungal infection. Specimens that died from other causes were omitted from further analysis. There were no incidence of mycosis in the controls (hence no variance), thus the lowest fungal concentrations resulting in mycosis were chosen as the baseline for comparison of hazard ratios. Furthermore, preliminary analysis showed no significant difference in hazard ratio between the control and the lower concentrations. Factors were block and fungal concentration for both species and additionally sex for T. rapae. The proportional cumulative survival of 50% of the population, i.e.