com/en/home/index.html. The absolute Ruxolitinib solubility dmso dynamic topography was calculated as the sum of the sea level anomaly and mean dynamic topography. The data were calculated using a 1-day temporal scale and 1/3° spatial scale and used to study exchange through the Sicily Channel. Starting from the volume conservation principle, we can formulate the water balance equation as follows: equation(1) As∂η∂t=Qin−Qout+AsP−E+Qf, where As
is the Eastern Mediterranean surface area, ∂η∂t the change in sea level with time and Qf the river discharge to the basin, calculated as the sum of total river runoff to the EMB and the Black Sea brackish water. In the present application, we assume that the volume fluxes related to surface elevation changes are small relative to the other contributions, which means that the left-hand side of equation (1) is close to zero, which is valid for long-term scales. From conservation principles, we can formulate
the heat balance equation for a semi-enclosed sea area, as follows (e.g. Omstedt 2011): equation(2) dHdt=Fi−Fo−FlossAs, where H = ∫ ∫ ρcpT dzdA is the total heat content of the EMB, Fin and Fout the heat fluxes associated with in- and outflows through the Sicily Channel respectively (calculated according to Fin = ρcpTinQin and Fout = ρcpToutQout respectively), Tin and Tout the respective temperatures of the in- and outflowing surface water from the Western Mediterranean Basin, cp the heat capacity and Floss the total heat loss to the atmosphere (the fluxes are positive when going from the RGFP966 water to the atmosphere). Floss is formulated as
follows: equation(3) Floss=Fn+Fsw, where equation(4) Fn=Fh+Fe+Fl+Fprec.Fn=Fh+Fe+Fl+Fprec. The various terms in (3) and (4) stand for the following: Fh is the sensible heat flux, Fe the latent heat flux, Fl the net long-wave radiation, and Fws the solar radiation to the water surface. The various heat flux components are presented in greater detail in Appendix A2. To calculate the heat and water balances of the EMB, the water exchanges through the Sicily Channel are needed. These exchanges are approximated as a two-layer exchange flow, including a surface inflow (Qin) from the Western Mediterranean Basin and a deeper outflow (Qout) from the Eastern to Western Methisazone basins over the Sicily Channel sill. To calculate the surface inflow, satellite sea level data (η) across the Channel were used, assuming geostrophic flows: Ug=−gf∂η∂y,Vg=gf∂η∂xandWg2=Ug2+Vg2, where f is the Coriolis parameter, g the gravity force, Ug and Vg the velocity components in the x and y directions respectively, and Wg the surface geostrophic speed. For simplification, we assumed that the depth of the surface layer was 150 m (see e.g. Stansfield et al. 2002). Moreover, a fixed depth of the surface layer (150 m) is acceptable in view of the very small cross-sectional area of the channel between 100 to 150 m depth compared with the cross-sectional area between the surface and 100 m depth ( Figure 2b).